Subversion Group:
When I had successfully setup Apace with hardly work,I was encounter a
trouble again about Berkeley DB,so anxious I am now, Please help me, Thank
you very much!
My OS is Linux7.1, and machine is PC.
[root_at_localhost root]svn checkout
svn: Berkeley DB error
svn: PROPFIND request failed on '/svnroot'
svn: Berkeley DB error while opening environment
for filesystem /svnroot/db:DB_RUNRECOVERY: Fatal error, run database
[root@localhost root]_
I have made svnroot repostory successfully in the path of /svnroot. and
use root account logged in. So why I have no permission to access the
repostory? Is that reason?
Thanks for your help!
Haichen.Li 2003/07/03
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