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RE: Building svn under Windows

From: Tim Hawkins <tim_at_timhawkins.co.uk>
Date: 2003-06-24 23:34:14 CEST

There appears to be some kind of problem with the zlib build under neon, it
keeps trying to link zlibstat.lib, and this lib file is not generated by any
of the zlib114 makefiles.

Just out of interest, would it be possible to add the ability to specify the
apr directories in gen-make.py, or have them default to httpd/srclib.... if
the --with-httpd modifier is used?

-----Original Message-----
From: Branko Cibej [mailto:brane@xbc.nu]
Sent: 24 June 2003 12:00
To: John Szakmeister
Cc: dev@subversion.tigris.org
Subject: Re: Building svn under Windows

John Szakmeister wrote:

>I attempted to build svn under Windows today, and I ran into a bit of
>It complained about not under standing some of the apr makefiles
>apr-util and several others). Can you build these components with VC 6?
>do you need .NET? I took a look at the format of the .dsp files and they
>seemed alright to me. The format version matched some of the projects that

>I've developed. So the error is a bit confusing to me. I realize that the

>errors are mainly in APR, but I know Branko and DJ Heap have done a lot of
>work on the Windows platform and could possible give me a hand.

You can now build with either VC6 or VS.Net; you only have to generate
the right kind of project files. Try running "python gen-make.py -?"
from the root of the sources, and read Instructions with an example are
in the INSTALL file.

You'll probably have to check out the current HEAD of the repository,
though -- I don't think the last release tarball has all the required
changes to the generator.

Brane Èibej   <brane_at_xbc.nu>   http://www.xbc.nu/brane/
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Received on Tue Jun 24 23:31:09 2003

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