Two mod_authz_svn questions:
1. I have a very simple authz file:
and the snv httpd.conf section below, and "test" and "checker" in the
.htpasswd file. If I point a browser at the repository and log in as test
it brings up the webpage. If I log in as checker, a valid user but not
listed in the authz file, httpd's working set grows to 250MB or so (on a
128mb physical ram machine) and it dies.
2. How does the authz stuff interact with using SVNParentPath? I want to
use SVNParentPath and have the repositories under that, and use authz to do
fine-grained permissions on them. In testing this I discovered the above
[potential] bug, so I didn't get far. Can I do this? So, if I have
repositories/a and repositories/b, and point SVNParentPath at
repositories/, will the authz file do the right thing on [/], [/a], and
[/b] sections, etc.?
<Location /svn/icfp>
DAV svn
SVNPath /home/svn/repositories/icfp
SetOutputFilter DEFLATE
AuthType Basic
AuthName "Subversion Repository"
AuthUserFile /home/svn/auth/.htpasswd
AuthzSVNAccessFile /home/svn/auth/.htauthzsvn
Require valid-user
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Received on Tue Jun 24 10:35:17 2003