Mark Watts wrote:
>>-----Original Message-----
>>From: Paul L Lussier []
>>Sent: Tuesday, June 17, 2003 16:06
>>To: Ben Collins-Sussman
>>Cc:; SVN Dev List
>>In a message dated: 17 Jun 2003 14:56:40 CDT Ben Collins-Sussman said:
>>>Well, I'm now fixing a 4th bug... checkouts failing on
>>directories with
>>>spaces in their names. That's a pretty big deal.
>> Can't you just tell the user that spaces in file names
>>are a really
>> bad idea, and they shouldn't do that? ;)
>I have already tried that believe me. Personally I NEVER use spaces.
>However, MY users seem to think that because MS lets you, it's a good thing.
>And in the particular case I can't change it. Grrr.!
Huh, Unix lets you get away with even more far-out things. Ever seen a
backspace in a filename? It's confusing, to say the least :-)
Brane ÄŒibej <>
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Received on Tue Jun 17 23:05:47 2003