Very Nice Tool ! :-)
Thanks Cmpilato ! Thanks Ben !
(I've even used it thru pipe : svnadmin dump | >
ordered_revlog )
I presume it will be part of the 0.24 drops ... :-)
Do you think it will be embedded later in svnadmin as an option to dump
command ?
(I mean, just as you mention : sorting summary but aloong with actual dump
of the revisions)
Tourlou !
> -----Original Message-----
> From: []
> Sent: Saturday, June 14, 2003 10:15 PM
> To: Ben Collins-Sussman
> Cc:;
> Subject: Re: Quick question about "svnadmin dump"
> Ben Collins-Sussman <> writes:
> > cmpilato recently committed a tool *exactly* for this purpose: it
> > compares dumpfiles, regardless of node-orderings. Look at
> > /trunk/tools/dev/
> Note that this tool doesn't actually rearrange the dumpfile for you --
> that is, it's output isn't another dumpfile. It just prints a sorted
> summary of the dumpfile, suitable for diffing against another sorted
> summary of a (presumably different) dumpfile.
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Received on Sun Jun 15 04:26:21 2003