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TortoiseSVN/mod_authz problem

From: John Locke <mail_at_freelock.com>
Date: 2003-06-13 22:22:20 CEST


Not sure if this is the right list to address this, but there's a problem
with the TortoiseSVN client and the new mod_authz authorization module.

I've installed the mod_authz module, and configured it on an svn
repository. The basic configuration sets access to the root of the
repository to nothing for all users, and then to rw for my login.

Then down specific paths, I grant ro access to some users, and rw access
to others.

With the svn command line tool, everything works fine, as expected.

However, the TortoiseSVN client appears to do an "OPTIONS" request on the
root of the repository when I attempt to check out using one of the
restricted accounts, and is denied access. This happens when I attempt to
check out using the full path to the part of the repository the account
has permission to (http://servername.com/svn/repos/ascentium/):

httpd access log: - ascentium [13/Jun/2003:12:36:54 -0700] "OPTIONS
/svn/repos/!svn/bc/79/ HTTP/1.1" 401 614 "-" "neon/0.23.9 SVN/0.23.0
(r5962)" - ascentium [13/Jun/2003:12:36:54 -0700] "OPTIONS
/svn/repos/!svn/bc/79/ HTTP/1.1" 401 614 "-" "neon/0.23.9 SVN/0.23.0

httpd error log:
[Fri Jun 13 12:36:54 2003] [error] [client] Access denied:
'ascentium' OPTIONS /
[Fri Jun 13 12:36:54 2003] [error] [client] Access denied:
'ascentium' OPTIONS /

<Location /svn/repos>
        DAV svn
        SVNPath /var/svn/repos
        SVNAutoversioning on
        AuthUserFile /var/svn/repos/htpasswd
        AuthType Basic
        AuthName "Freelock Client Project Repository"
        AuthzSVNAccessFile /var/svn/repos/svnauth
        Require valid-user

# deny everyone read on the entire repository
* =
# Allow john full access to the entire repository
john = rw

ascentium = rw

However, I can use the repository browser feature in TortoiseSVN to view
what's in the repository with an unprivileged account (as long as I start
at the directory where the account has permission and include the trailing


John Locke
Owner, Freelock, LLC
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Received on Fri Jun 13 22:23:06 2003

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