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Re: cvs2svn.py problem with --trunk

From: Blair Zajac <blair_at_orcaware.com>
Date: 2003-06-13 00:00:56 CEST

kfogel@collab.net wrote:
> Blair Zajac <blair@orcaware.com> writes:
> > I'm seeing some odd behavior using cvs2svn.py's --trunk:
> That's the expected behavior, I think (though --trunk isn't tested
> much and might well have other bugs).
> The recommended repository layout is
> PROJ/trunk
> /tags
> /branches


I think I see where we're both coming from. You're looking to handle
branches, tags and trunk. I'm looking for a very simple command line
saying, import path/to/dir1 from CVS into path/to/dir2 into SVN. I
thought trunk would specify the entire path/to/dir2, but because it is
interjected into the result path, it actually looks just to specify
the name of the "trunk" directory in the path, which I don't think
many people will change, unless they choose "head".

So for me, the relevance of --trunk is much reduced.

I think we need a --prefix option, where the path to the top level
PROJ is specified.

Some other usage notes:

1) If you want to rename PROJ to say PROJ1, you can't do it without
   manually moving the directory i

2) Finally, with the current usage, if you have PROJa and PROJb in

   your CVS repository and you only want to import one, then there's
   no command line usage to do that. It'll import both.

   I have a need for this, because we have 6 separate SVN repositories
   at work, one for each client, and there's only one CVS repository
   with different client projects mixed in it, so we're separating
   projects into separate svn repositories.

I think this behavior is assuming too much of the source CVS
repository and where it should be imported into the svn repository.
It should be up to the user to decide where to place the CVS repos
into the svn repository.

> We are taking the top level directories of the CVS repository as the
> PROJects, and splicing the trunk|tags|branches underneath them.

Sounds like a bad idea, and its confusing. First, I think its better
to let the user explicitly decide where the source and destination
goes. Also, now, I have to figure out that trunk in interjected in
the path. I'd rather just say,

    cvs2svn.py --prefix dump/my/code/here using/code/from/here

Much easier on my already taxed brain :)

If cvs2svn.py doesn't imply a behavior, then we've allowed more
flexible behavior.


Blair Zajac <blair@orcaware.com>
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Received on Fri Jun 13 00:01:45 2003

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