This is the first version. There is a lot of work to do !
svn:ignore will be supported in a next version and renaming too.
Thank you for your comments. This is very useful to know what you
consider as most important.
Cédric Chabanois
>A couple of comments:
>* The svn:ignore property doesn't seem to be honoured; dirctories which
>should be ignored b/c they're mentioned in this property still get a '?'
>* It's not possible to add files to svn:ignore (equivalent of adding files
>to .cvsignore as the cvs-plugin has)
>* When I do a 'rename' on a resource in Eclipse, svn is not notified of
>this. I'm stuck with a missing file as far as svn is concerned - and a new,
>unversioned file.
>It's quite essential for me that this works - I can just as well continue
>with the combo Eclipse/Tsvn/commandline-svn otherwise.
>(Since renaming a .java file in Eclipse also changes it's contents, you'll
>have to force the rename-operation.)
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Cédric Chabanois []
>Sent: maandag 9 juni 2003 23:54
>Subject: [Ann] eclipse plugin and ant tasks for Subversion
>This is an eclipse plugin based on eclipse plugin for cvs.
>It uses svn-up java bindings (a modified version for now)
>You can find it (with some screenshots) on :
>I know there are already eclipse plugins for svn
>( and
>You can contact me if you want we work together.
>Cédric Chabanois
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Received on Tue Jun 10 23:16:22 2003