> 1. I have read the book, INSTALL in the source directory etc, and find no
> instructions for installing subversion using Apache binaries. Everything
> seams to be instructions for compiling everything for windows and I don't
> really have the time to figure out how to do that. I want to use it. Yet
> someone a few days ago indicated they had Subversion up and running in 5 min
> using windows and Apache. Any pointers on how it was done? Have I missed
> some documentation?
I might be wrong here, but I think you want to set up Subversion (0.23?)
using mod_dav_svn on Apache. These are the things I would check to get
it working:
1. Do you have Apache working (just as a normal webserver) on Windows?
2. Do you have a repository (or repositories) on the Apache machine that
you can access locally (with the file:// scheme)?
3. If yes to both, what I would try is copy mod_dav_svn.so into the
Apache/modules directory, add a few lines to Apache/conf/httpd.conf, and
restart Apache.
I had some trouble getting the module to work properly, but it should be
quite easy now if you have compatible Subversion and Apache versions.
Mine is working nicely with 0.23 on httpd 2.0.45.
The lines from my httpd.conf file are (I haven't edited them in any way,
so I am baring my soul here...):
# Load Subversion.
LoadModule dav_svn_module modules/mod_dav_svn.so
<IfModule mod_dav_svn.c>
<Location /repos/>
DAV svn
SVNPath "E:/svn/"
SVNReposName "Edmund's Subversion Repository"
Order deny,allow
Deny from all
Allow from chrysophylax chrysophylax.cjb.net
<Location /repos-xml/>
DAV svn
SVNPath "E:/svn/"
SVNReposName "Edmund's Subversion Repository - XML View"
Order deny,allow
Deny from all
Allow from chrysophylax chrysophylax.cjb.net
SVNIndexXSLT /svnindex.xsl
Good luck with getting it to work.
Edmund Horner.
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Received on Sat Jun 7 15:37:14 2003