> > Regarding the patch:
> >
> > Can you write a log message (see HACKING, and run 'svn log' on the
> > Subversion repository to see examples)? Also, it's easier for us to
> > apply patches when they are relative to the top of the source tree.
> Oh, I forgot to say: if this is regarding a particular issue, please
> include the issue number in the log message (and maybe the subject
> line?).
I'll do what I can. I even wrote some lines in the doc/book/ch06.xml :-!
But for now I've got a problem. I'm not very familiar with subversion as I
started coding Friday.
In file subversion/libsvn_client/commit_util.c in function do_item_commit()
there I've inserted this:
if (ctx->cancel_func)
SVN_ERR (ctx->cancel_func (ctx->cancel_baton));
/* Validation. */
if (item->state_flags & SVN_CLIENT_COMMIT_ITEM_IS_COPY)
if (! copyfrom_url)
return svn_error_createf
"Commit item '%s' has copy flag but no copyfrom url", url);
if (! SVN_IS_VALID_REVNUM (item->revision))
return svn_error_createf
"Commit item '%s' has copy flag but an invalid revision", url);
/* Get the parent dir_baton. */
parent_baton = ((void **) db_stack->elts)[*stack_ptr - 1];
>>>> INSERT starts here
/* Save the new timestamp of files */
if (kind == svn_node_file)
apr_time_t tstamp;
svn_string_t time_str;
apr_pool_t *cpool = item->wcprop_changes->pool;
svn_prop_t *prop = apr_palloc (cpool, sizeof (*prop));
SVN_ERR (svn_io_file_affected_time (&tstamp, item->path, pool));
/* Maybe the new property value should be compared against the
old and only set if it changed?? */
time_str.data = svn_time_to_cstring (tstamp, pool);
time_str.len = strlen(time_str.data);
/* HELP please - is there a high level function like this one? */
SVN_ERR (svn_wc_prop_set (SVN_PROP_TEXT_TIME, &time_str, item->path,
parent_access, pool));
/* OR - won't work, is an array */
apr_hash_set (file_mods, item->url, APR_HASH_KEY_STRING, (void *)mod);
/* OR - won't work, would have to search for an existing property */
prop->name = apr_pstrdup (cpool, name);
prop->value = svn_string_ncreate (time_str.data, time_str.value,
*((svn_prop_t **) apr_array_push (item->wcprop_changes)) = prop;
/* END HELP */
item->state_flags |= SVN_CLIENT_COMMIT_ITEM_PROP_MODS;
>>>> INSERT ends here
/* If a feedback table was supplied by the application layer,
describe what we're about to do to this item. */
if (ctx->notify_func)
My problem is: which is the recommended way to search the array for a property
and add/change the value? I don't think I'll have to code that by hand - I'm
pretty sure there is a function to do that, rrrright ???? :-)
As of now I've covered
- add finished
- export finished
- a note in doc/book/ch06.xml finished
- commit in progress
- on wc update the newer of the stamps is taken - which is mostly pointless,
as this file will be committed if it had changed locally and then it'll get
another timestamp.
- import is next
Note: when I say finished, I BELIEVE it's finished. You may disagree. That's
why I'll post a complete patch when I'm finished for review and possible
So: Is there something I've forgotten? (as of the list above)? I think holes
will be uncovered when my patch is posted, but is there something to be seen
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Received on Mon May 19 10:13:01 2003