Scott Collins <> writes:
> I'm looking for advice and review :-)
> Projects I build under OS X destined for the Palm or for OS 9 still
> have resources. I use subversion for non-resource stuff with no
> problem, but it would be a win for me to use subversion for these
> projects as well.
> The basic idea in this experiment is to represent a Macintosh resource
> fork as a special property. The property is a write-through reflection
> of the resource fork data. I can explain the reasoning that led me to
> this choice if anyone cares. I've hooked in within libsvn_wc. I added
> a wcprop to remember the last time the resource-fork on disk and the
> value of the resource-fork property were known to be identical. I
> added no new options, commands, or syntax. I exploit OS X's magical
> file notation for addressing the resource fork as though it were a
> distinct but ordinary data file. You can put a file's resources under
> version control like so
> svn propset -F x/rsrc x
> In a working copy, this code successfully manages: changes to the
> resource fork from outside subversion; changes through propset; and can
> get the resource property checked into the repository.
> I wanted to get general opinions on whether I'm on the right track.
Considering that even Apple is discouraging the use of resource forks
in the future, I am -1 on putting this Mac OS X specific feature into
Subversion. Is there any reason (aside from the inconvenience) that
you couldn't use /Developer/Tools/DeRez when you stuff the resource
fork into your Subversion repository, and /Developer/Tools/Rez when
you pull it out?
I hope that this doesn't come across as too harsh--I appreciate the
need to handle resource forks, but don't see a good reason to muck up
a new piece of software with a feature to support something that is a)
platform specific, and b) deprecated.
-Fitz, certain that someone, somewhere is going to turn the above
paragraph around on him to shoot down the whole opaque collections
thing at some point in the future.
Brian W. Fitzpatrick <>
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Received on Wed May 14 06:50:32 2003