Philipp von Weitershausen <> writes:
> Hello everyone,
> I pretty much find my way around the python bindings. Accessor
> functions aren't cool if you're used to python, but we don't have
> anything better (yet; I'm working on it ;))
> One thing got me stumbling, though. Consider the following python code:
> ------snip------
> from svn import client, util
> def cancel_func(cancel_baton):
> pass
> pool = util.svn_pool_create(None)
> ctx = client.new_svn_client_ctx_t()
> client.svn_client_ctx_t_cancel_func_set(ctx, cancel_func)
> ------snip------
> This code will throw the following exception:
> TypeError: Type error. Expected _svn_cancel_func_t
> Sure, I can see in svn_client.h that svn_client_ctx_t wants a
> svn_cancel_func_t, but if the above does not work, how can I hook my
> python callbacks up to the client context?
I don't think it *can* be done today. I've not gotten around to
making that work just yet. It's on my TODO list, though.
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Received on Mon May 5 21:58:58 2003