Brian Denny <> writes:
> well, i don't know if this will give you what you want, but...
> for a given WCDIR, WCDIR/.svn/entries contains among other things
> the repository URL corresponding to WCDIR. you might be able to
> write a shell script that would extract this bit of information,
$ svn info | grep Url
> > > svn merge file:///path/to/tag file://path/to/branch
> > >
> > >... i havent tried it myself, but i can't think of why it wouldn't work.
> > >although personally, i'd probably just write down the branch revnum --
> > >seems easier.
> >
> > This was one of the other methods I tried - I haven't investigated it
> > completely, but the behavior i was initially getting seemed to suggest
> > that it could tell what the difference between tag/ and branch/ was, but
> > not that those differences had any relation to what was going on in trunk/
> > (the current directory at the time).
> i am the wrong person to be answering this question, because i'm not
> thoroughly familiar with the ins and outs of branching and merging,
> myself. anyone?
What was the problem here?
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Received on Sat Apr 26 01:56:59 2003