I've attached a transcript of an example session,
and tried to explain the test setup. If you need more, I'll
try to come up with a script, but its not that difficult :-)
1. Test Setup:
Given the repository http://svn:8080/test with the
checked out content (svn co http://svn:8080/test):
where SVNVersion has the following keywords set:
enron /tmp> svn pg svn:keywords test/content/SVNVersion.java
2. Reproduction of the behaviour:
/tmp/test> svn copy http://svn:8080/test http://svn:8080/tags/test/t1
/tmp/test> svn switch http://svn:8080/tags/test/t1
3. Then go into the content directory and open the SVNVersion.java.
The HeadURL will still point to the http://svn:8080/test... location
4. Fix the behaviour:
test/content> rm SVNVersion.java
rm: remove regular file `SVNVersion.java'? y
test/content> svn revert SVNVersion.java
Reverted SVNVersion.java
Then the HeadURL will be correct. I've attached
the "quasi" transcript and the file SVNVersion.java.
package com.logicunited.cosada;
public class SVNVersion {
public static void main(String[] argv) {
System.out.println("Test the west");
public static String getVersion() {
String version = "Current Development Version";
index += SVN_VERSION_PREFIX.length();
int lastIndex = SVN_HEAD_URL.lastIndexOf(SVN_VERSION_SUFFIX);
if (lastIndex - index < 2) {
version = "Current Development Version";
} else {
version = SVN_HEAD_URL.substring(index, lastIndex);
return version;
public static String SVN_HEAD_URL = "$HeadURL: http://svn:8080/test/content/SVNVersion.java $";
private static String SVN_VERSION_SUFFIX = "/LUMCI";
private static String SVN_VERSION_PREFIX = "cosada/";
private static String SVN_ID = "$Id$";
On Tuesday, March 25, 2003, at 07:18 PM, Karl Fogel wrote:
> Christian van der Leeden <lists@logicunited.com> writes:
>> I've got a the HeadURL keyword set for one file (which should
>> calculate the version of the release). So, when preparing for a
>> release
>> I do a copy from the trunk and then switch my local repository to the
>> tag.
>> But the URL of the repository is not replaced in my file during the
>> switch command. If I delete it manually and then do a revert, the
>> URL is replaced correctly.
>> Any hints on how to accomplish this automatically or is this behaviour
>> expected?
> Can you show a transcript of exactly what you're doing, and the
> behavior you expect? This sounds like a bug, but we should make sure
> before filing/investigating.
> If you can put the transcript right into your mail (i.e., not as an
> attachment), that would be best, but either way is fine.
> Thanks,
> -Karl
Christian van der Leeden
Logic United GmbH
Tel: 089-189488-66 Mob: 0163-3747111
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- application/octet-stream attachment: watch
Received on Tue Mar 25 21:09:01 2003