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RE: Anyone interested in a Subversion Eclipse plugin?

From: Leeuw van der, Tim <tim.leeuwvander_at_nl.unisys.com>
Date: 2003-03-20 10:13:03 CET


I use Eclipse a lot, use SVN much less frequently. I would *love* to have an
SVN plugin for Eclipse, but like you I'm extremely strapped for time. I
wouldn't mind doing testing though.
However, such a thing would depend on there being working JNI bindings of a
sort and a Java wrapper library.

Or we could look at the other approach: call the svn executable as
standalone process, and analyse the results from stdout, like was done by
someone else - forgot his name. Perhaps his code is useable as a basis for a
generic Java svn wrapper library interface, where the implementation can be
either program-call or JNI?

(Clearly some work there... )

I haven't even begun looking at the source-code for any of these projects.

With regards,


-----Original Message-----
From: Richard In Public [mailto:edification@blueyonder.co.uk]
Sent: woensdag 19 maart 2003 18:41
To: dev@subversion.tigris.org
Subject: Anyone interested in a Subversion Eclipse plugin?

Hi All

Subversion and Eclipse form the backbone of my development environment. I
make heavy use of the fantastic TortoiseSVN but every time I use Eclipse's
CVS plugin I find myself longing for a Subversion equivalent.

I'd love to contribute an SVN Eclipse plugin but just don't have the time -
I'll soon be starting law school and am doing web sites round the clock to
pay for it. That said, I'm really keen to contribute my enthusiasm, and
perhaps some administrative input, to such a project.

As a starting point I'd appreciate any feedback from people who are either
interested in using such a plugin or contributing to its development. Given
the backing (http://www.eclipse.org/org/index.html) that Eclipse has and
it's popularity (http://www.theopenenterprise.com/story/TOE20021007S0005) I
think that such a plugin could also help in expanding SVN's user base (and
perhaps Eclipses...).

Regards to the community,

Richard Hoberman

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Received on Thu Mar 20 10:17:47 2003

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