Tobias Ringstrom wrote:
>On Mon, 10 Mar 2003, Michael Price wrote:
>>P.S. And for the record, my favorite bike-shed color is red.
>Ouch. I was asking because I thought I was missing something that could be
>important. I did not mean to argue that there was a problem with the
>script or to imply that I in any way knew better. I am sorry if that is
>how I came through. It was not my intention.
>The official subversion release method is a strong precedence, and I have
>been wondering why the repository version was used to identify releases. I
>assumed it was for a good reason, but I could not see it.
>I am in the process of converting projects to subversion, and if there's a
>good reason to couple tags with repo version, I wanted to know that now,
>instead of discovering it the hard way later on.
We used to cut releases straight from the trunk, without creating a
release branch first. In those days, we needed that revision number so
that we could identify where the release came from. With the new process
(create branch first, then move branch to tag), they're no longer
necessary -- but remain for hysterical reasons.
Brane Čibej <>
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Received on Tue Mar 11 01:10:55 2003