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Re: checksumming weird in 0.18

From: Branko Čibej <brane_at_xbc.nu>
Date: 2003-03-10 22:05:43 CET

solo turn wrote:

>--- Philip Martin <philip@codematters.co.uk> wrote:
>>>it was "svn up", the operation "A base" was the result of a "move
>> ...the result of a "move folder"
>somebody else moved the folder. i did an update.
>no contents modifications.
>no local modifications.
>client and server are 0.18.
>ra method: https.
>file size: 163 bytes.

Well, it looks like you didn't get enough beer on Saturday after all. :-)

What you wrote above is yet another prose description. Here's what a
real description would've looked like:

[tree structure]

svn 0.18 (released), apache 2.0.44 (released)
on i686-pc-linux-gnu (RedHat 7.3)
using ra_dav

[client 1 (svn 0.18 on Win2k)]
svn co http://server/project
A A/B/G/mu
A iota
Checked out revision 1

[client 2 (svn 0.18 on Win2k)]
svn co http://server/project
A A/B/G/mu
A iota
Checked out revision 1

[client 1 (svn 0.18 on Win2k)]
$ svn mv A/B A/X
$ svn commit -m 'move A/B to A/X'
Deleting A/B
Adding A/X
Adding A/X/G
Adding A/X/G/mu
Transmitting file data .
Committed revision 2

[client 2 (svn 0.18 on Win2k)]
$ svn update
A A/X/G/iota
svn: A checksum mismatch occurred
svn: apply_window: checksum mismatch after applying text delta
 expected checksum: lns="svn:">

   actual checksum: 0acddde1c4925f7f2c0059a4d9c8cf32

>>provide a recipe that allows that person to reproduce the problem.
>i think there is no (easy) way of reproducing an error like this one.
>i anyway did not succeed in doing it.
>but somebody should know, where the checksums are stored, and why
>something else can be in this storage area. i always thought a
>checksum is a rather fixed storage area, and i'm wondering why it is
>a pointer.
The checksum is not a pointer. But the memory where the checksum is
stored is allocated on the heap, and a pointer *points* to that. So
either the pointer could be frobbed, or the heap could be corrupted.
There's no such thing as a "fixed storage area"; we're not Pascal
programmers from the '80s.

But that's all beside the point. When writing a reproduction recipe for
a bug report, or just describing what you'd done, you should *not* try
to guess what the code does. Just write down what *you* did -- as
precisely as possible -- and then whoever goes to fix the bug will
figure out what the code is doing.

Brane Čibej   <brane_at_xbc.nu>   http://www.xbc.nu/brane/
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Received on Mon Mar 10 22:06:26 2003

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