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Re: Transcript of chat between me and Sleeepycat

From: Branko ÄŒibej <brane_at_xbc.nu>
Date: 2003-02-21 06:33:49 CET

Glenn A. Thompson wrote:

> Hey,
> Branko ÄŒibej wrote:
>>Karl Fogel wrote:
>>>The more complex question is whether we need to be creating BDB
>>>transactions as often as we do, or whether we can get away with
>>>locking -- or nothing at all -- under some circumstances.
>>Yup. Except that "nothing at all" is likely to cause quite a few
>>headaches. :-)
> If memory serves, the problem with BDB transactions is that they do
> filesystem locks. Is this correct?

No they don't -- or rather, it depends on the OS -- but it doesn't
matter. I'm talking about semantics, not implementation.

> So any "better" locking would most likely be memory based right?

That's what BDB tries to do on most systems.

Brane ÄŒibej   <brane_at_xbc.nu>   http://www.xbc.nu/brane/
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Received on Fri Feb 21 06:34:30 2003

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