> Those tests are sufficient, plus make sure that the binary you build
> (from the candidate distribution) can check out the Subversion sources
> from http://svn.collab.net/repos/svn/trunk/.
> Well, there's no obvious way to say "who's it" here :-), so, assuming
> he's still interested, let's go with Michael for now, with James Cox
> and Paul Lussier, the other two respondees, as backup release managers
> just in case Michael gets swamped. Additionally, if someone can help
> Michael with Windows testing, that would be most welcome.
> It would of course be great to have Windows testing, though we haven't
> been doing so for the interim releases up till now. Michael, if you
> can find someone else (hmm, maybe James or Paul?) who can test on
> Windows, perhaps you could coordinate with them?
I am just waiting on a package from microsoft containing vs.net. Once i get
that then i can build on win32 again. I am happy to build/roll/test win32. I
see no harm in having a number of RM's for different platforms.
-- james
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Received on Tue Feb 18 05:09:27 2003