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From: Michael Price <mprice_at_atl.lmco.com>
Date: 2003-02-13 19:56:33 CET

Is it just me or is step 8 in the hot-backup.py script bogus?

The comment for the num_backups variable is:

  # Number of backups to keep around

However, the comment for step 8 in the script is:

  # Step 8: finally, remove the repository back that's NUM_BACKUPS older
  # than the one we just created. If there are multiple versions of
  # this repos backup, remove them too.

Now, this comment does accurately reflect what the code actually does,
but this conflicts with the comment for num_backups.

The script doesn't actually keep around that many backups. Instead, it
checks for a backup and if you happen to have one num_backups older then
it gets removed. If you don't happen to have one (which is often the
case) then nothing is removed.

So am I crazy or what?


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Received on Thu Feb 13 19:59:04 2003

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