Branko Čibej wrote:
>Brandon Ehle wrote:
>>solo turn wrote:
>>>do you have maybe an explanation wyh the ssh access method has the
>>>same scalability behaviour than local access, and webdav seems to be
>>>factor 3? is it just the asynchrounous, or is it the continouus
>>>opening of a connection and get a little information from the server?
>>BTW, in case you haven't noticed, I've had the call tree for checkout
>>and import posted here for a while for reference.
>>Its very visibile that nothing takes up much time except the delta
>>code right now. Until that disappears, I don't think its very useful
>>to track performance of the systems (at least for import & export) as
>>a lot could change once the delta algorithm is optional or made faster.
>Uh, are you counting CPU time or runtime?
This is estimated clock cycles (so runtime), and its ra_local.
>Besides, sending deltas for checkout and import is total nonsense. The
>fix is not speeding up vdelta (bet: you won't get a 2x speedup anyway),
>but to remove it from the checkout and import code path entirely.
Isn't that what I've wanted all along :).
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Received on Tue Feb 11 20:00:02 2003