i tried to profile also the https client, the results are:
full update, https, server/client on same machine, duration 728sec
(reminder: ra_local took 280sec):
time percent fct
434 61 ne_read_response_block
gz_reader,ne_xml_parse_v, ne_xml_parse, xmlParseChunk,
87 xmlParseEndeTag (615sec)
end_element, end_element
269 44 add_node_props
216 80 svn_ra_dav__get_props_resource
svn_ra_dav__getprops, ne_propfind_allprop,propfind,
433 61 ne_read_response_block
275 39 ne_begin_request
53 20 addProps
137 22 close_file
71 12 simple_fetch_file
61 10 set_special_wc_prop
40 7 close_directory
26 4 close_edit
13 xmlParseStartTag
275 39 ne_begin_request, send_request, read_status_line,
ne_sock_readline, read_ossl, readable_ossl, select,
select, _poll
(times are not always according to percentage, cause functions may be
called from different callees)
total times:
272 _poll
259 _rename
119 __open
23 mkdir
20 unlink
9 _write
the following points could be time-consuming:
- there is a lot of disk access and network wait time
which seems not parallel, ie. multithreaded.
- especially urls and their properties seem to be fetched
in order, without any function which gets an url,
with the small properties, and the entries, and the
small properties of the entries in one fetch.
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Received on Mon Feb 10 19:57:24 2003