I am trying to transfer from CVS to subversion which acts as the next version of CVS. But I am in trouble with checkout and commit command which have different behavior from CVS.
In CVS, If I run "cvs co module_name" when there is already a
working copy of this module, cvs will not update the working copy
except for the files not updated. But SVN re-checkout all the files except for the files modified locally. It causes the project to
be recompiled as timestampe changed.
It's not a big issue. I could just avoid it by running update.
In root directory of svn repository, I have libraries as lib1, lib2, lib3. They are shared modules for project. The project proj1 is in the root directory too. In working copy, I would like the libs under directory of proj1. But the trouble is that:
If I run svn commit under proj1 directly, it only commit the changed
file for proj1. Files modified but in lib1 and lib2 will not be commited. For CVS, it will examine the sub directory and commit the changes to the correspoinding module. The same problem for Status/update command. Any idea to work around it?
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Received on Sun Feb 2 22:00:23 2003