Garrett Rooney writes:
the only thing i've thought of caching in the context object is
possibly the parsed config files, so we can avoid reparsing them every
time we need a config option. do people think this is worthwhile?
one issue with this is that we parse the config files in places other
than libsvn_client, so either we'd have to pass the context object
down into other libraries or we'd have to explicitly pass the config
data we got from the context object into the other libraries.
what do people think?
I think that explicitly passing the config data we got from the
context object into the other libraries was the plan all along,
actually. But it doesn't have to be done all at once; and we can pass
the cfg object (not the ctx object) itself where appropriate -- that
is, there's a middle ground between the ctx and the specific data, and
that middle ground is a cfg blob :-).
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Received on Sat Oct 14 02:25:50 2006