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need advice building svn under OS X

From: <helink_at_sandia.gov>
Date: 2003-01-28 19:14:33 CET

I'm trying to get the latest svn server running under Mac OS X 10.2.3,
and am getting an odd warning and an error when I make the
bootstrapping tarball. I'd appreciate a little advice on how to proceed
in resolving the problems, and if anyone knows that the current version
does or doesn't work under OS X that'd be nice to know as well. Thanks.

Question 1: are these warnings serious?

cc1: warning: changing search order for system directory
cc1: warning: as it has already been specified as a non-system

basically I get one of these for every call to subversion-r4503/libtool
or gcc during make.

I can build apache2 and neon without problems under Mac OS X (10.2.3),
and when I try to build the svn bootstrapping image (r4503) everything
appears to configure fine but during the make process I get these
warnings and then die with an error.

Question 2: what does this error mean, and what might be the cause?

cd subversion/clients/cmdline /bin/sh
/Users/helink/subversion/subversion-r4503/libtool --silent --mode=link
gcc -g -Wall -Wmissing-prototypes -Wstrict-prototypes
-Wmissing-declarations -DNEON_ZLIB -Wpointer-arith -Wwrite-strings
-Wshadow -DSVN_DEBUG -DAP_DEBUG -L/usr/local/lib -rpath
/usr/local/lib -o svn add-cmd.o cat-cmd.o checkout-cmd.o cleanup-cmd.o
commit-cmd.o copy-cmd.o delete-cmd.o diff-cmd.o export-cmd.o feedback.o
help-cmd.o import-cmd.o info-cmd.o log-cmd.o ls-cmd.o main.o
merge-cmd.o mkdir-cmd.o move-cmd.o prompt.o propdel-cmd.o
propedit-cmd.o propget-cmd.o proplist-cmd.o props.o propset-cmd.o
resolve-cmd.o revert-cmd.o status-cmd.o status.o switch-cmd.o
update-cmd.o util.o
-lexpat /Users/helink/subversion/subversion-r4503/apr/libapr-0.la -lm
-L/usr/local/lib -lz -lexpat
ld: Undefined symbols:
make: *** [subversion/clients/cmdline/svn] Error 1

My only uninformed hypothesis at the moment is that I might be building
against an older version of expat (if so it would be from installing an
older apache2, in the svn 0.14.3 timeframe when I successfully got svn
installed in all its glory), which is odd because I thought the tarball
was supposed to be self-contained. In any case the error doesn't seem
to have anything to do with expat, based on the names of the symbols
(well, I guess except for _svn_xml_escape_cstring). I guess I will dump
my repository and try eliminating expat as a suspect in the mean time


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