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Re: checksumming crap

From: <jerenkrantz_at_apache.org>
Date: 2003-01-25 17:24:27 CET

--On Saturday, January 25, 2003 7:58 AM -0800 solo turn
soloturn99@yahoo.com wrote:

 it seems that checksumming is ill:
 svn: A checksum mismatch occurred
 svn: apply_window: checksum mismatch after applying text delta
    expected checksum: 34f9383e157bc6305f4c7e2290d6ac39
    actual checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e

We have had no verifiable reports of where the checksum code was at

As usual, you are omitting key details: what is your ra layer? Is
the checksum as denoted in the text-base correct or incorrect? Was
the repository new or old? (There was a bit of time when the
checksum code was wrong - perhaps you are seeing this?) Have you
tried to dump/load the repository?

I just tried to reproduce something similar to your incomplete
reproduction case with ra_local and it worked fine.

 generally i'm VERY concerned about the .svn folder. it is a system
 directory, and it is never the master. it has to be treated like
 that (i.e. fixed automatically).

Huh? This paragraph doesn't parse at all. -- justin

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