what are your plans for the 1.0?
my impression after checking the task list for the milestones before
1.0 two months ago and now is that continuing like this will end in
v1.0 in year 2006 or eternity ... as the list is growing, not
would the following be a reasonable proceeding?
- declare some bugs as show stoppers
(currently i would know one, issue 730, related
to issue 995)
- go beta with the fixes of issues:
- postpone everything else after 1.0
for doing this, more flexibility is necessary:
- command line can be changed after 1.0
svn import needs the syntax fix,
but it is pointless and completely unimportant,
you barely need the import (i used it 2-3 times
in a year now).
- throw out every feature not needed for 1.0
i.e. converting/importing/exporting/managing/certs
- build things are pointless for the stability
of a product (configure on darwin does not bla ...)
- big api changes (like in 1004) do NOT
mean they are important for 1.0.
--> the api will change anyway later on.
- bindings can never prevent svn beeing less ready
(swig, ...), they even could be a separate thing.
if you need somebody sufficiently unbiased to cvs, unbiased to coding
and coders, and one doing this normally for earning money, i would
volunteer to be kind of "release manager", i.e. the one suggesting to
postpone all the issues as pointless for 1.0 (this dos NOT mean
for issues, where a patch is already available, i just would apply it
after 1.0, like issue 774,952.
i know too many people now NOT using svn, cause it is not "finished".
but this is just not true. it is already more useable than cvs, and
that is sufficient for most projects and use cases.
or is somebody from the collab-guys, or greg stein without a job
after 1.0 is released?
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Received on Sun Dec 29 16:16:14 2002