Re: revnum (still) considered harmful
From: Tom Lord <>
Date: 2002-12-17 01:06:59 CET
> (a) the (much reduced) performance limitation:
I'm not sure how your hypothetical distributed repository is
They can decide in advance by tentatively partioning regions of the
The performance issue is small for source code managment. It isn't a
> So, I think that both the intra-repository and global
Well, here's how I think we'd implement this if we were going to:
Already, I think you're off on the wrong foot. The namespace is
I don't really like this idea because:
* Ignoring the merge history aspects, it feels like window
"Feels", huh? Hmmm.
* I don't really buy that smart merging between different pieces
arch is an existence proof that it's realistic. Read the recent
And even if it does come about, using numbers doesn't mean we
That statement makes presumptions about the namespace and how it is
* You can no longer compress merge history using revision ranges (or
No, you are mistaken. arch can and does compress merge history while
I'm already concerned about the bulk of merge history information given
Well then, that's something to figure out for sure then, isn't it?
At any rate, it's most likely pointless to try to design a merge
In other words: "It isn't worth considering whether or not this is
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