>Do you really think Apache shutdown caused the problem? Thread 4
>appears to be blocked processing a dav_method_put request, which
>doesn't sound like something that would be invoked by shutdown. I
>think it is more likely a killed process caused the deadlock sometime
>earlier, and you only noticed it when the shutdown blocked. It looks
>like the same problem you reported before, just observed at a
>different place.
Probably, one thing I've noticed since I ran this test is that when you
commit anything over 3000 files its starts to take a really long time to
shutdown apache. It looks like its finalizing something with the db
before it shuts down. For the 8333 file case, its possible that it had
been shutting down for 4 hours and hadn't finished yet when I got in
this morning. Next time I see that stack trace I'll verify whether that
is whats happening.
>Did you do as I suggest and check your Apache and system logs for
>killed proceses? It's quite possible that 8333 files is pushing
>Apache over a memory limit.
No killed processes.
>Does your test verify that the operations it runs do in fact succeed?
It just checks svn's return values.
>Isn't this thread still processing a request? One that would have
>been generated by your test? Or did you fail to mention some other
>process that accesses the repository?
See above, apache might have needed more than 4 hours to shutdown. Next
time I will give it more time.
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Received on Tue Dec 10 16:48:09 2002