As you've probably noticed, we're swinging back into Subversion
development here in Chicago. Ben's started working on Issue #860, one
of the showstoppers. I'm working through the uncategorized ("---")
issues, and when they're cleared out I'll join on the 0.14.4 stuff.
(Most of the uncategorized issues right now are pretty important
anyway, so rather than shift them to later milestones, I'm just aiming
to resolve them outright.)
The issues database reflects relative importances pretty accurately
right now. There will probably be some shifting around as we adjust
for new issues, but basically you can just go down the list and see
what's most urgent. As always, anyone's free to work on anything --
but if you happen to choose a 0.14.x issue, that's even better :-).
There will be several 0.14.x milestones before Beta, so we can
maintain a fairly frequent release schedule.
If you take an issue, don't forget to mark it as STARTED. This is
especially important for the closer milestones, where it's likely that
someone else would start work on the issue independently.
Finally, there's the patch backlog, gulp. I think there are about
twenty or twenty-five outstanding patches that are likely to get
applied. For those that don't get applied quickly, I'll make issues
for them, so they're visible and scheduled. Our lesson for the
future: after a patch has been through its rounds of review on the dev
list, we should *always* either apply it, or if there isn't time to
test, then make an issue for it so it's visible to other committers
who might have time. (Reviewers, let's try to remember this.)
That's it. A stable Beta is attainable in a finite amount of time if
we focus... so let's do that :-).
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Received on Tue Oct 22 23:07:29 2002