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Re[2]: How does 'merge' work?

From: Dmitry Kulagin <craft095_at_mail.ru>
Date: 2002-10-21 18:31:49 CEST

Hello Karl,

Thank you for quick response!

KF> Can you show us the exact modifications you made? (A reproduction
KF> script would help a lot here.) You're absolutely sure they conflict
KF> textually?

Perhaps, that is more informative than the
original explaination (I ran it as BAT-file under WinXP/Cygwin):

         svn mkdir dir
         cd dir
         echo "original text info\n" > a.txt
         svn add a.txt
         cd ..
         svn ci -m "initial state"

         svn cp dir dir_branch
         svn ci -m "new branch created"

         cd dir
         echo "conflicted head text info\n" > a.txt
         cd ..

         cd dir_branch
         echo "conflicted branch text info\n" > a.txt
         cd ..

         svn ci -m "independent changes"

         svn merge dir dir_branch dir_branch
         _ dir_branch/a.txt
KF> script would help a lot here.) You're absolutely sure they conflict
KF> textually?

Well, I'm sure:
      diff dir/a.txt dir_branch/a.txt

      < "conflicted head text info\n"
> "conflicted branch text info\n"
>> And another question: why does the result
>> depend on order of the first two arguments?

KF> Well, that would change the sense (i.e., the direction) of the diff, I
KF> think... (?)

But the problem is that the behavior of Subversion is different: the
order defines file of what branch is placed as result of merging.

Best regards,
 Dmitry mailto:craft095@mail.ru

-----Original Message-----
From: Karl Fogel <kfogel@newton.ch.collab.net>
Sent: Monday, October 21, 2002, 7:38:26 PM
To: Dmitry Kulagin <craft095@mail.ru>
Subject: How does 'merge' work?

KF> Dmitry Kulagin <craft095@mail.ru> writes:
>> and then I ran 'merge':
>> 5a. svn merge dir dir_branch dir_branch
>> ---> _ dir/a.txt
>> 5b. svn merge dir_branch dir dir_branch
>> ---> U dir/a.txt
>> Both variants did not found conflicts. Why?

KF> Can you show us the exact modifications you made? (A reproduction
KF> script would help a lot here.) You're absolutely sure they conflict
KF> textually?

>> And another question: why does the result
>> depend on order of the first two arguments?

KF> Well, that would change the sense (i.e., the direction) of the diff, I
KF> think... (?)

KF> -K

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Received on Mon Oct 21 18:35:23 2002

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