Can you give the exact recipe we need to reproduce this bug?
(See the HACKING file for bug reporting guidelines.)
Thanks -- if this is a corruption bug, it's very important that we
track it down.
Leandro Lucarella <> writes:
> Hi! I'm using svn and I have a problem with one particular file and two
> particular lines on it.
> The lines are:
> $selected = '
> $unselected = '
> When I upload this two lines in the file, svn 'convert' them to this:
> border="0" alt="%s"></a>';
> es/he%s_f3.gif\',1)"><img name="he%s" src="%s/imagenes/he%s.gif" border="0" alt="%s"></a>';
> I'm using keyword expansion ("URL Author Date Rev"). svn version is a
> snapshot from Debian GNU/Linux unstable (subversion-snapshot):
> Subversion Client, version 0.14.0 (dev build)
> compiled Aug 16 2002, 14:35:50
> I'll attach the original file and the checked out so you can see them...
> PS: Please Cc me, I'm not on the list.
> --
> Leandro Lucarella @ MEcon .-----------------------------.
> / Powered by Debian GNU/Linux |
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> Donde las dan las toman, y callar es bueno.
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Received on Thu Sep 19 20:09:33 2002