#739: Ensuring ACID in Subversion (aka watcher procecesses are fun)
From: Bill Tutt <rassilon_at_lyra.org>
Date: 2002-09-19 18:04:13 CEST
I've added the following comment to issue #739. For some reason the
In order to ensure our I of Isolation in Acid, we need to have a
One way of doing this is to follow the guidelines in this URL:
Another would be to move all code that called libsvn_fs into a separate
I think the watcher process is the simplest approach. It'd work
When the watcher process starts up, it's assumed the machine is
Before libsvn_fs opens the BDB store, it registers the current process
After libsvn_fs closes the BDB store, it notifies the watcher process
If the watcher process detects an exiting registered process that hasn't
deregistered then the datastore is now suspect. The watcher process
This should probably be accomplished by using some asyncrhonous
Once all of the registered processes have either exited with a useful
Any incoming registration requests must block until the database has
It's almost a shame that the watcher process can't release just the
If we could, then life would be much simpler.
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