"Bill Tutt" <rassilon@lyra.org> wrote in message
> > From: Dylan Cuthbert [mailto:dylan@q-games.com]
> >
> > Hey, cygwin isn't quite that evil, it gives windows users a breath of
> > fresh
> > air, allowing the use of emacs, bash, even Xfree86.. not to mention
> about
> > another 500+ really useful unix tools and libraries.
> >
> For things that don't port well to Windows, then yes it does, and all
> power to folks who like such things.
> However, for projects like Subversion that have been ported to work on
> Windows, cygwin just shouldn't be used. It makes the maintainer's job
> more annoying by introducing the machinery cygwin uses to accomplish
> some of the API calls used in Unix programs. Usually to a perf
> detriment, not to mention assuming the users cygwin install is bugfree.
Not strictly true, we use cygwin as a development environment even though we
aren't developing cygwin apps, this is because it supports things such as
symbolic-linking and a decent shell environment and decent scripting. Mingw
is ok, but it has none of the shell or scripting stuff, simply being a
decent compiler in a crap environment.
We can, of course, use the Windows SVN tools but they don't know about the
symlinks and directory paths of our environment which can be very
frustrating sometimes.
We are not going to start using Visual Studio or MSDOS (or whatever it has
become nowadays) so what do you suggest to replace Cygwin? Cygwin is an
important tool and no longer just a porting tool as it used to be IMO.
> If it works lucky you, but don't expect everybody to be terribly
> thrilled about helping you solve problems with cygwin hosted Subversion
> clients.
Surely, the ultimate aim to get subversion working on all platforms that cvs
works on? Never mind that, working on as many platforms as possible.
> We have more important things to care about than chasing down possible
> cygwin bugs. :)
If it is a cygwin bug, but considering the no. of crashes and problems I've
had using subversion (on linux) in the first few days I don't think stones
should be thrown just yet. ;-) subversion is nowhere near as stable/robust
as the FAQ would have you believe.
Still, one gets what one pays for so no hard feelings :-) I'll just be
happy to help people track down some of these problems.
Q-Games, Dylan Cuthbert.
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Received on Fri Sep 6 11:40:00 2002