Newbie questions...
From: Alessandro Bottoni <>
Date: 2002-07-29 18:55:47 CEST
I'm going to prepare a magazine review about a few Open Source CMS (OpenCM,
Many thanks in advance for your help.
PS: Yes, I realize that most of these features will be available only when
Here are the questions:
1) CVS Compatibility. Is it possible to import or use an existing CVS
2) Disconnected Operations. Is it possible to checkout a project on a laptop
3) Renaming. Is it possible to rename a file or a directory and still hold
4) Atomicity. Sensitive operations are atomic? Can you be sure that nothing
5) Access Control List at the Repository Level. Can you grant a new user the
6) User Authentication. Can you force the developer to use a public-key-based
7) Data Integrity. Can the system ensure the data integrity even in the event
8) Data protection. Can the repository be encrypted to ensure its
9) Binary files. Can the system actually manage binary files (binary diff and
10) Process Control. Is it possible to enforce the user to perform the
11) IDE Integration. Can the CMS be integrated in a IDE? Which one?
12) GUIs. Does the system have any GUI for simplifing the administrative
13) Web Interface. Can the repository be accessed via web? Read-only or
14) Maturity Level. What maturity level has reached the system? (planning,
15) Remote Access. Can the developer use the CMS through internet?
16) Server Platform. Which platform is required for the server? Linux/Unix?
17) Client Platform. For which platforms are available the clients?
18) Repository Nature. What is used to hold the data? The regular File System
19) Licence. Can the system be used for free even in a commercial project?
20 ) User Tracking / Auditing / Logging. Is it always possible to tell who,
21) Concurrency. How the system manages the concurrent access to the same
22) Version Recovery. Is it always possible to recover an old version of any
23) Version Tracking. Is it always possible to know (to browse) the whole
24) Dependency Control. Is it always possible to know which components are
25) Configuration Management. Is it possible to manage a group of objects as
26) Notifications. Is it possible to trigger a notification for every
27) Notifications 2. How can be delivered a notification to the human user?
28) Notifications 3. How can be delivered a notification to a program?
29) Branching-Merging. Is it possible to branch in any moment, work for a
30) Merging 2. How good is the merging mechanism? Like CVS? Better than CVS?
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