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Re: Feature idea: Hierarchal logs (views? subrevisions?)

From: <cmpilato_at_collab.net>
Date: 2002-07-25 03:02:47 CEST

Peter Schuller <peter.schuller@infidyne.com> writes:

> Hmm. I think I just realized what it really is that I am looking for. I
> want to be able to commit *a set of changes*. That is, I want to be able
> to create a set of logical commits/diffs in the repository separately
> from the main tree. I want to be able to work against this "scratch"
> version of the repository. Sort of like views for tables in relational
> databases, except in this case it's a view of the repository.

What you are describing is exactly what the "branch" concept means.

> When I'm done, I don't just want to commit my current code like normal.
> I want to commit my view. I.e., I want to logically "commit the
> commits".
> Imagine something like:
> ... working in a checked out directory ...
> svn changeview experimental
> ... do variouis stuff, commit changes, etc:
> svn commit -m '* Did something'
> svn commit -m '* Did something else'
> ... decide to commit to the main view:
> svn changeview main
> svn commitview experimental

In Subversion-speak, this would be:

   svn copy -m 'make experimental branch' \
                          http//.../trunk http://.../branches/experimental
   ... remember the revision number we just created here as REV ...
   svn switch http://.../branches/experimental
   ... do various stuff, commit changes, etc:
   svn commit -m '* Did something'
   svn commit -m '* Did something else'
   ... decide to commit to the main view:
   svn switch http://.../trunk
   svn merge -r REV:HEAD http://.../branches/experimental
   svn commit -m '* Merging in experimental changes'

> I suppose it could also be considered transactions in the relational DB
> sense. I.e., you start a transaction (or int his case possibly "attach"
> to an existing transaction), make variouis changes and then commit the
> whole thing as one logical unit.
> The result of an "svn log" after the above should show each individual
> "sub-revision" with "did something" and "did something else".
> Am I making sense?

Sure. In the case above :
  `svn log http://.../trunk' - show changes to the trunk only (including merge)
  `svn log http://.../branches/experimental' - show experimental changes.
  `svn log http://.../ - show all changes.

> ------------------
> My initial E-Mail:
> ------------------
> I have an idea w.r.t. the handling of logs (i.e. commit comments). It
> may have been discussed before; haven't been on the list for that long.
> The issue concerns branching. It is farily common to want to develop
> in one branch and then merge it back into the head branch on occasion.
> There is one problem with this; it makes changes more difficult to
> track[1]. Why? Because when merging changes from a branch you provide a
> log message for the merge, as a unit. You loose the messages logged
> when the changes to the branch being merged was done.

I do:

   svn log --strict http://.../branches/experimental | grep -e 'Rev: '

which shows me all the revisions committed to the branch. When I
commit my merge, I simply note those revision numbers (except the
oldest one, which was where the branch was created) in the log
message. Granted, that is a policy thing, not something Subversion
does for me. But we day plan to have Subversion remember this sort of
thing for you later.

Note that you can always `svn rm http://.../branches/experimental'
without losing any data after your merge/commit. That way you can
re-use the /experimental branch name later and wah-lah, you have a
clean view of the trunk at whatever revision you so desire.

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Received on Thu Jul 25 03:02:29 2002

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