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logo contest

From: Ben Collins-Sussman <sussman_at_collab.net>
Date: 2002-07-24 23:22:24 CEST

Over beers last night, a few of us started lamenting (once again) at
Subversion's utter lack of a Cool Logo. In the past, we've had a few
serious and not-so-serious ideas presented:


I think it would be neat to have some kind of a logo contest.

1. Create a second repository on svn.collab.net, and make it world
    readable and writable.

2. Require submitters to commit their submission to the repository.
    This would be (in part) a sort of fun publicity stunt:

      * it would force people to build and toy with an svn client

      * it would showcase the fact that our repository is browseable
        (so anyone can view the submissions with their browser)

3. Offer the winner eternal fame, and maybe a T-shirt. :-)

Debian seemed to have real success with their own logo contest, and I
figured we'd have just as much fun with it.

The only part of this idea we've not yet figured out is: "can we find
a process for choosing a winner, a process which is guaranteed to

I mean, one such process would be: "Brane chooses the winner." But's
that's not a system anyone would really want. :-)

The options we're kicking around:

  A. have committers vote.
  B. have (committers + anyone who has ever sent a patch) vote.
  C. have the general public vote.

(C) is probably very satisifying for the world, but then we end up in
some kind of entangled mess of trying to count votes, prevent
ballot-box-stuffing, and so on. :-(

Another idea:

  D. have the general public narrow down the choices to the top 3, and
     then have committer-like folk choose one of them.

Anyway, just thought I throw this idea out there, see what people think. :-)

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Received on Wed Jul 24 23:23:55 2002

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