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Re: utf8 not working with latest APR

From: Branko ÄŒibej <brane_at_xbc.nu>
Date: 2002-07-17 19:44:03 CEST

Ben Collins-Sussman wrote:

>Bill Rowe is changing the entire apr_xlate implementation right now;
>if you try to use the latest APR, then subversion won't work at all if
>build it with --enable-utf8.
>The problem Bill is trying to solve:
> * iconv is spotty and weird across different unix platforms
> * iconv doesn't exist at all on win32; win32 only knows how to
> translate from native->UTF8, but not the other way around. (the
> reverse direction can be emulated, but only verrrrrry slowly)
>His solution so far:
> * create a new portable apr-iconv library, a standalone thing.
> fill it with many, many translation tables.
> * move the apr_xlate API into apr-iconv.
Yeah, and he forgot to migrate the configury that defines HAVE_ICONV_H
and HAVE_ICONV in the private header from apr to apr-util. _That_ is why
apr_xlate_* doesn't work now; the transition was not complete.

>Of course, Subversion's build system knows nothing about compiling
>apr-iconv, even if it's sitting right next to apr and apr-util. So
>whenever one of the svn_utf_* functions are called, apr returns an
>error, and so does svn.

The APR configury should still find the installed (native) iconv on
Unix. That must _not_ change.
I'd still argue for some form of my drop-in iconv support on Windows,
because I can't for the life of me see how to get apr-iconv actually
working on Windows in a day or two.

>For now, the solution is to make sure your apr is at least a couple
>days old. I just did a "cvs up -dP -D 'last week'", and that seems to
>work fine.

Right. APR HEAD is broken. The changes were made yesterday, so Monday's
APR and APR-util should be just right.

Brane ÄŒibej   <brane_at_xbc.nu>   http://www.xbc.nu/brane/
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Received on Wed Jul 17 19:44:38 2002

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