Scott Lamb <> writes:
> Subversion trunk 2548 isn't working for me over DAV. I'm trying to
> import some code. I see in my access_log this:
> - - [16/Jul/2002:10:24:14 -0500] "MKACTIVITY
> /svn/repos/!svn/act/1eb6dd8a-d21d-b211-91dc-f16e595cf6c0 HTTP/1.1"
> 401 1082 "-" "neon/0.21.2 SVN/0.1 3.2 (dev build)"
> Okay, it wants me to authenticate (401). My import command prompts me
> for a password. Then it says this:
> svn_error: #21096 : <RA layer request failed> MKACTIVITY of
> /svn/repos/!svn/act/1eb6dd8a-d21d-b211-91dc-f16e595cf6c0:
> Could not read status line: connection was closed by server.
> And nothing appears in the access_log or error_log. This is with a httpd
> that I "cvs up"ed and compiled just now, after Apache broke and unbroke.
> Any ideas?
Hm...check your Apache error_log for any notice of coredumps.
> BTW - I managed to get my repository converted with fs-convert-2490
> revision 2548. Thanks, cmpilato.
Always glad to be of service.
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Received on Tue Jul 16 18:15:26 2002