Russ Allbery <> writes:
> Before going too far down the path of modifying VC, which has an interface
> very much oriented towards a single file at a time (intentionally so), you
> may want to look at the pcl-cvs package which already supports multi-file
> commits, renames, and other things that Subversion can actually version.
> It may be an easier starting point.
> I imagine there are a lot of people like me, who use VC to commit changes
> to single files and use pcl-cvs to do anything more complicated. They
> work fairly well in a complimentary setup.
That's how I used to use them, too. But pcl-cvs started to break down
at one point, and I stopped using it; I used VC and command-line CVS.
I gather pcl-cvs's maintenance has picked up again.
However --- does pcl-cvs actually have a well-defined back-end
interface? The last time I worked on it, it had CVS-specific stuff
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Received on Mon Jul 15 19:14:48 2002