This simple diff allows -R as a shortcut for --recursive, similar
to other commands. I instinctively type this all the time, then
growl as i realize i have to type out 'recursive'. This also paves
the way for -N for --nonrecursive, and therefore -n for no-op ;->.
Index: ./subversion/clients/cmdline/cl.h
--- ./subversion/clients/cmdline/cl.h
+++ ./subversion/clients/cmdline/cl.h Sun Jul 14 19:26:37 2002
@@ -44,7 +44,6 @@
typedef enum {
svn_cl__xml_file_opt = 256,
- svn_cl__recursive_opt,
Index: ./subversion/clients/cmdline/main.c
--- ./subversion/clients/cmdline/main.c
+++ ./subversion/clients/cmdline/main.c Sun Jul 14 19:27:28 2002
@@ -56,7 +56,7 @@
{"--eek--", '?', 0, "show help on a subcommand"},
{"message", 'm', 1, "specify commit message \"ARG\""},
{"quiet", 'q', 0, "print as little as possible"},
- {"recursive", svn_cl__recursive_opt, 0, "descend recursively"},
+ {"recursive", 'R', 0, "descend recursively"},
{"nonrecursive", 'n', 0, "operate on single directory only"},
{"revision", 'r', 1, "specify revision number ARG (or X:Y range)"},
{"date", 'D', 1, "specify a date ARG (instead of a revision)"},
@@ -126,7 +126,7 @@
"Put files and directories under revision control, scheduling\n"
"them for addition to repository. They will be added in next commit.\n"
"usage: svn add [OPTIONS] [TARGETS]\n",
- {svn_cl__targets_opt, svn_cl__recursive_opt} },
+ {svn_cl__targets_opt, 'R'} },
{ "checkout", svn_cl__checkout, {"co"},
"Check out a working copy from a repository.\n"
@@ -231,7 +231,7 @@
"Display info about a resource.\n"
"usage: svn info [PATH1 [PATH2] ...]\n\n"
" Print information about PATHs.\n",
- {svn_cl__targets_opt, svn_cl__recursive_opt} },
+ {svn_cl__targets_opt, 'R'} },
{ "log", svn_cl__log, {0},
"Show the log messages for a set of revision(s) and/or file(s).\n"
@@ -285,7 +285,7 @@
{ "propdel", svn_cl__propdel, {"pdel"},
"Remove property PROPNAME on files and directories.\n"
"usage: propdel PROPNAME [TARGETS]\n",
- {'q', svn_cl__recursive_opt} },
+ {'q', 'R'} },
{ "propedit", svn_cl__propedit, {"pedit", "pe"},
"Edit property PROPNAME with $EDITOR on targets.\n"
@@ -295,12 +295,12 @@
{ "propget", svn_cl__propget, {"pget", "pg"},
"Print value of property PROPNAME on files or directories.\n"
"usage: propget PROPNAME [TARGETS]\n",
- {svn_cl__recursive_opt} },
+ {'R'} },
{ "proplist", svn_cl__proplist, {"plist", "pl"},
"List all properties attached to files or directories.\n"
"usage: proplist [TARGETS]\n",
- {'v', svn_cl__recursive_opt} },
+ {'v', 'R'} },
{ "propset", svn_cl__propset, {"pset", "ps"},
"Set property PROPNAME to PROPVAL on files or directories.\n"
@@ -324,14 +324,14 @@
" whether to merge the file, and how to serve it from Apache.\n"
" A mimetype beginning with 'text/' (or an absent mimetype) is\n"
" treated as text. Anything else is treated as binary.\n",
- {'F', 'q', svn_cl__targets_opt, svn_cl__recursive_opt} },
+ {'F', 'q', svn_cl__targets_opt, 'R'} },
{ "revert", svn_cl__revert, {0},
"Restore pristine working copy file (undo all local edits)\n"
"usage: revert TARGET1 [TARGET2 [TARGET3 ... ]]\n\n"
" Note: this routine does not require network access, and \n"
" resolves any conflicted states.\n",
- {svn_cl__targets_opt, svn_cl__recursive_opt} },
+ {svn_cl__targets_opt, 'R'} },
{ "resolve", svn_cl__resolve, {0},
"Remove 'conflicted' state on working copy files or directories.\n"
@@ -339,7 +339,7 @@
" Note: this routine does not semantically resolve conflict markers;\n"
" it merely removes conflict-related artifact files and allows TARGET\n"
" to be committed again.\n",
- {svn_cl__targets_opt, svn_cl__recursive_opt} },
+ {svn_cl__targets_opt, 'R'} },
{ "status", svn_cl__status, {"stat", "st"},
"Print the status of working copy files and directories.\n"
@@ -1030,7 +1030,7 @@
case svn_cl__force_opt:
opt_state.force = TRUE;
- case svn_cl__recursive_opt:
+ case 'R':
opt_state.recursive = TRUE;
case 'n':
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Received on Mon Jul 15 02:35:41 2002