"N. Thomas" <nthomas@cise.ufl.edu> writes:
> (This is based on a subversion-r2451 client running Solaris 8 on a Sun Ultra 80)
> I updated my subversion source tree, and after building/installing it, ran
> this in the top directory:
> $ find . -type d | fgrep -v .svn | xargs svn pdel svn:ignore
> property `svn:ignore' deleted from '.'.
> property `svn:ignore' deleted from './ac-helpers'.
> property `svn:ignore' deleted from './www'.
> [...]
> $ svn st |grep -v ^_M
> Unfortunately, the second command showed nothing, even though there were
> many directories with .o files, etc. lying around. I would expect something
> more like this:
> ? ./subversion/libsvn_client/status.o
> ? ./subversion/libsvn_client/switch.o
> ? ./subversion/libsvn_client/update.o
> Is the svn:ignore property somehow being cached? How can I fix this?
For reasons which I assume are entirely based on CVS's behavior, there
are some magical hidden path globs that are always ignored. This from
static const char * const ignores[] =
"*.o", "*.lo", "*.la", "#*#", "*.rej", "*~", ".#*",
/* what else? */
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Received on Wed Jul 10 16:35:02 2002