Brandon Ehle <> writes:
> Karl Fogel wrote:
> >Josef Wolf <> writes:
> >
> >>What is the state of cvs2svn? Have anyone managed to transfer real
> >>repositories? The readme dont say much about the
> >>stability/reliability. I tried it today but it complained about
> >>missing rcsparse. Where can I get this file? How do I install it? I am
> >>not a python programmer, so please excuse if this are stupid questions
> >>
> >
> >Still under development, not ready for real-world use, maybe possibly
> >ready for testers who don't mind supplying missing code :-). I'll
> >defer to those who work on it to give a more detailed answer.
> >
> >
> What needs to be done and how do I start?
The cvs2svn recipe is as follows:
1. need a way for python to read a CVS repository.
2. need a way for python to write to an SVN repository.
3. write
Ingredient #1 already exists: it's called It's the
python library that ViewCVS uses to read the RCS files in a cvs
Ingredient #2 is recently completed by gstein: he's used SWIG to
generate python bindings for libsvn_repos and libsvn_fs. Now python
can build svn repository transactions and do direct commits. (He has
a sample programs for this.)
Step 3 is the last big hurdle. is only partly functional.
IIRC, the script still needs to be taught to recognize and preserve
branches and tags, which is a hard design problem. gstein can talk
more about the state of the program, and what needs to be done.
In theory, gstein and I are planning to devote some serious time to
this tool, starting in about a month. But if you want to start
playing with it earlier, go for it!
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Received on Tue Jun 18 16:51:21 2002