> From: Greg Stein [mailto:gstein@lyra.org]
> On Fri, Jun 14, 2002 at 01:10:11PM -0700, Bill Tutt wrote:
> > > From: cmpilato@collab.net [mailto:cmpilato@collab.net]
> >...
> > > Oh, "replace = delete + add", where modify means "text or prop
> > > changes". Sorry for the ambiguitiy.
> >
> > Replace is unnecessary if the primary key of the table is:
> > (TxnID, NodeRevisionID)
> BDB doesn't do multi-column primary keys. Well, it *can*, but you
> not
> come along later and ask for all rows related to TxnID.
Duplicate keys + TxnID as the BDB key would work as well.
I mean we're only either inserting one row or returning all the rows
anyway right?
> >...
> > Let client applications detect replaces and renames. :)
> Yah.
> > Otherwise, if the key was (TxnID, Path) we'd need two
NodeRevisionIDs in
> > the skel. One for the deleted one, and one for the added one. (since
> > they have differing NodeIDs)
> Might be needed to get what we need, tho.
> Cheers,
> -g
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Received on Fri Jun 14 22:55:55 2002