Yes, I saw that thread, but in the end there was no solution.
I have the latest cygwin1.dll and diff-utils pack from cygnus and they
are in the path.
I can run diff3 on the three named files and it outputs valid
I think that maybe --diff-program switch is causing the problem.
In a mail in that previous thread, Brane said something about a minimal
package that works for him.sub
Please, can you point me to a URL?
Garrett Rooney wrote:
> On Fri, Jun 14, 2002 at 04:51:54AM +0200, Paul Marculescu wrote:
> >
> > D:\svntest\wc2>svn up
> >
> > svn_error: #21043 : <Problem running log>
> > in directory .
> >
> > svn_error: #21043 : <Problem running log>
> > start_handler: error processing command 'merge' in .
> >
> > svn_error: #21085 : <Error calling external program>
> > svn_wc_merge() returned an unexpected error
> >
> > svn_error: #21085 : <Error calling external program>
> > Error running c:\progra~1\cygnus\cygwin\bin\diff3.exe: exitcode was
> > 2, args were:
> > in directory ., basenames:
> > file1.cpp.62692.00001.tmp
> > file1.cpp.62584.00001.tmp
> > file1.cpp.62588.00001.tmp
> there was a recent thread with similar errors on windows. it is
> likely that diff3.exe is trying to run diff.exe, but it can't find it
> because it is not in your path and the version of diff3.exe you have
> doesn't support the command line argument that we use to tell it where
> diff.exe is. check to see if diff.exe is in your path, and if it
> isn't, add it and see if that helps.
> -garrett
> --
> garrett rooney Remember, any design flaw you're
> sufficiently snide about becomes
> a feature. -- Dan Sugalski
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Received on Fri Jun 14 09:53:00 2002