*got alerted to this thread by a friend who is keeping up with the mailing
I've been working on a subversion shell extension ala Tortoise CVS. Started
it a while back (wow... back early December) and put some time into it
occasionally, but finally put off working on it sometime back in February
until the Windows build actually worked. Really, I pretty much gave up on
any Subversion development at all until I felt that the main Subversion
developers were going to actually prioritize getting it working on Windows
enough to stop adding features and started working on getting the Windows
build doing anything more than the most simple of update and commit
operations (and only if you type the filenames just right). The "if Windows
developers want it to work, they can contribute fixes for it" attitude was
inexcusable to me on a project that claims to be cross platform as well as
specifically listing "Windows" as a target. The main developers didn't even
have Windows boxes to run or compile it on...
The only screenshot I have on hand is one I took to demonstrate my
frustrations a while back with either a bug or a limitation of the API
(forgot which... this one might have even been my fault...):
http://test.saurik.com/unversioned.jpg . The screenshot doesn't demonstrate
much seeing as, at the time, I wasn't able to get valid information for
files from the API.
*will have to play with the windows build later today and see if it is all
happiness yet with things like directory moves and deletes (the most common
issues caused by the poorly designed read-only file API in APR that the Unix
people added), case _in_sensitivity in file names (which totally thrashed a
lot of work that a friend of mine did when I gave him access to a repository
and subversion kept silently going insane on the server when he would fail
to type the file names in the same case as they were on the drive), / vs. \
at the command line, and the other long list of things that has been a known
issue since forever*
Jay Freeman (saurik)
----- Original Message -----
From: "Martijn Boekhorst" <subversion@boekhorst.net>
To: <HuangJ@masirv.com>
Cc: <dev@subversion.tigris.org>
Sent: Wednesday, June 05, 2002 12:05 PM
Subject: Re: GUI for subversion?
> > I am wondering if there will be a GUI for Subversion once it's
> > released, or are you leaving it up to 3rd party development.
> I'm working on a windows one - there was some discussion about a wxWindows
> one, though I lost track, and I believe someone (who?) is asking
> TortoiseCVS if they're interested in developing a svn edition.
> Wether or not I am a 3rd party I don't know. It'll take me quite some time
> before I have anything to show mind you (Think : Month or two).
> Cheers, Martijn.
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Received on Wed Jun 5 21:49:54 2002