citerar Marcus Comstedt <>:
> "Henrik Svensson" <> writes:
> > UTF-8 is actually not a character set. It is just a way to store
> > unicode characters.
> When you read "UTF-8" in the discussions, you may think "Unicode"
> instead if you like. The discussions are not really about
> representation of Unicode characters, but about whether to translate
> user input in other character sets into Unicode.
Fine. Maybe I misinterpreted things, but there are som writing about
saving information about the used charset together with the text in
subversion. Which is not necessary if unicode/UTF-8 is used.
> If Unicode
> characters are to be used, then the UTF-8 representation comes rather
> natural to this application, since it avoids byte order problems and
> can be inserted directly into XML. (Also, the size of wchar_t is
> platform dependent, which means it can't be used for communication
> between client and server. UTF-8 just uses octets.) The UTF-8
> representation has its problems too, but they are mainly related to
> processing individual characters, something Subversion doesn't do a
> lot. If a client wants to use UCS-4 representation instead, it's easy
> enough for it to convert.
Agree with every word.
> // Marcus
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Received on Sat Jun 1 14:12:36 2002