Thanks, Greg, that helped, most remote stuff is working now. However, I came
accross another peculiarity while trying to delete a whole directory: it
seems that the .svn directory is not removed with the rest, thus giving
problems while committing:
Volume in drive C has no label.
Volume Serial Number is 6800-7AE5
Directory of C:\home\tmp\svn\project2
24.05.2002 11:58 <DIR> .
24.05.2002 11:58 <DIR> ..
24.05.2002 11:58 28 .cvsignore
24.05.2002 11:59 <DIR> .svn
24.05.2002 11:58 <DIR> bin
24.05.2002 11:58 14'995 build.xml
24.05.2002 11:58 <DIR> docs
24.05.2002 11:58 6
24.05.2002 11:59 <DIR> lib
24.05.2002 11:58 <DIR> project1
24.05.2002 11:58 <DIR> src
3 File(s) 15'029 bytes
8 Dir(s) 444'473'344 bytes free
C:\home\tmp\svn\project2>svn del lib
D lib/axis.jar
D lib/log4j-core.jar
D lib/jaxrpc.jar
D lib/wsdl4j.jar
D lib/xml-apis.jar
D lib/xerces-1.4.4.jar
D lib/commons-logging.jar
D lib/tt-bytecode.jar
D lib
C:\home\tmp\svn\project2>svn status
D ./lib
D ./lib/axis.jar
D ./lib/commons-logging.jar
D ./lib/jaxrpc.jar
D ./lib/log4j-core.jar
D ./lib/tt-bytecode.jar
D ./lib/wsdl4j.jar
D ./lib/xerces-1.4.4.jar
D ./lib/xml-apis.jar
C:\home\tmp\svn\project2>svn commit -m ""
Deleting lib
svn_error: #21002 : <A general problem occured>
Commit succeeded, but other errors follow:
apr_error: #22505, src_err 0 : <Access is denied. >
Error bumping revisions post-commit (details follow):
apr_error: #22505, src_err 0 : <Access is denied. >
error removing administrative directory for C:/home/tmp/svn/project2/lib
As this problem seems to be happening locally, on a win2000 system, I am not
sure what permissions are being talked about here. Funny thing I noticed
playing around: I also get access denials on some files when I try to delete
them in the DOS-Box:
C:\home\tmp\svn\project2>del lib /s /q
Access is denied.
Access is denied.
Access is denied.
Access is denied.
Access is denied.
Access is denied.
I can delete the directory without problems in the windows explorer though.
Anybody understand what's going on here?
Also, in the repository, everything is OK, so that when I checkout a new
working copy, the deleted directory is no more there.
Many thanks,
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Greg Stein []
> Sent: Thursday, May 23, 2002 20:14
> To: Mehmet Birgi
> Cc:
> Subject: Re: import and commit fail with svn_error: #21106
> On Thu, May 23, 2002 at 12:19:29PM +0200, Mehmet Birgi wrote:
> >...
> > C:\home\tmp\svn\wc>svn import
> . testdir -m
> > "test import"
> >
> > svn_error: #21106 : <A path under revision control is needed for this
> > operation>
> >
> > The specified activity does not exist.
> This is symptomatic of the httpd server not being able to *write* to the
> repository area. Please verify the permissions of the files and
> directories
> in your repository directories. All files/dirs should be
> read/write for the
> user/group of the httpd server.
> In this particular case, we are trying to create an "activity" on the
> server, but that is failing because it can't write to the
> activity database.
> Later, when we refer to the activity, it isn't there.
> In summary, there are two problems:
> 1) your file permissions are wrong
> 2) SVN has a bug in that it doesn't properly return an error when the
> permissions are wrong
> The reason that it worked locally is that "activities" are a concept only
> used by the network. Not to mention that a different user/group
> is accessing
> the repository.
> Cheers,
> -g
> --
> Greg Stein,
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Received on Fri May 24 12:32:45 2002