Greg Stein <> writes:
> On Tue, May 14, 2002 at 04:35:33PM -0500, wrote:
> >...
> > +++ trunk/subversion/include/svn_types.h Tue May 14 16:35:18 2002
> > @@ -177,6 +177,12 @@
> > /* Set to either TRUE or FALSE if we want a file to be executable or not. */
> > #define SVN_PROP_EXECUTABLE SVN_PROP_PREFIX "executable"
> >
> > +/* Set to either TRUE or FALSE to indicate if a file is a module.
> > + ### This should be automatically inherited from the parent
> > + directory... which raises the general issue of property
> > + inheritance. */
> > +#define SVN_PROP_MODULE SVN_PROP_PREFIX "module"
> I highly disagree that this should be inherited.
> The concept of a "directory full of module descriptions" is only a
> convention. I do not believe we need to formalize that, or add in entire new
> concepts of property inheritance to support anything more than that.
I objected too, only because property inheritance is a bitch to
implement. But Karl believes that users might forget to set the
svn:module property on new modules, because they'll often be adding
the module to a directory full of them. Then they'll expect something
to happen, and nothing will happen. I'll Karl him speak for himself. :-)
> For example, it might be really neat to drop a special developer's module
> file into tools/dev/. Regular Joe off the street just grabs the /trunk or
> whatever and is done.
Certainly, Karl's idea doesn't *force* us to put all modules in one
place. We still plan to allow single module files to live anywhere in
the whole repository.
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Received on Wed May 15 00:44:36 2002