Hi everyone,
Apologies if this isn't the right list and/or this topic has already been
discussed - I just subscribed so I could post this.
I believe I have found a bug in the directory copy function of Subversion -
what would be used to create tags and branches. I'm using the Win32 build of
r1741 (from the Downloads page of the web site), from a Cygwin shell on
Win2K, however I have also reproduced this behavior under Linux using a
build of the r1682+ tarball from the Downloads page. Below is a reproduction
of the bug.
/tmp $ svnadmin create repos
/tmp $ svn co file:///program\ files/cygnus/cygwin/tmp/repos -d r
/tmp $ cd r
/tmp/r $ svn mkdir a
A a
/tmp/r $ echo "1" > a/1
/tmp/r $ svn add a/1
A a/1
/tmp/r $ svn commit -m "Initial tree"
Adding a
Adding a/1
Transmitting file data .
Committed revision 1.
/tmp/r $ svn cp a b
A b
/tmp/r $ svn commit -m "Copied tree"
Adding b
Adding b/1
svn_error: #21050 : <General filesystem error>
Commit failed (details follow):
svn_error: #21050 : <General filesystem error>
add_file `b/1': got copy_path, but no copy_rev
While experimenting with this, I dug out an old r1302 Win32 binary, and the
same procedure above worked flawlessly, so I conclude that the bug is caused
by something added recently.
I can work around the bug by manually copying the directory, removing the
.svn subdirs, and adding the tree. Although this isn't exactly
elegant/convenient, it works for now.
Thanks for all the hard work put into Subversion!
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Received on Sat Apr 27 02:06:43 2002